

Hello, my name is Christine Lisa.

Born, raised and educated in New Jersey, I’ve spent the last 10 years traveling and studying the practices of yoga and mindfulness. My studies have taken me to both coasts and abroad, from California to New York, to the United Kingdom. I love the pursuit of knowledge so that I can incorporate new learnings into my classes, and I love to travel so I often combine both.

Up until 2008, I had spent the prior 2 decades working in employee benefits. For 15 of those 20 years I worked for a Philadelphia-based global consulting company which gave me opportunities to travel and work with many interesting and talented people. It’s what I loved most about the job. I’m grateful for that experience because it also gave me insight into the challenges of being a full-time working parent who is trying to balance family needs with work demands.

It has been my intention to offer what I’ve learned to people outside of a yoga class setting. And as the world moves more and more into remote learning, working and connecting through virtual settings, it seemed the time was right to move in that direction as well. Perhaps you’ve never taken a yoga class. Perhaps you’ve never meditated. No worries. I will break things down so that it’s accessible no matter where you are on your own personal path to peace. I’ll also share with you some of my own experiences and reflections.

I hope this blog inspires you to explore, learn and have fun. Check out my media page and feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media!

Peace be with you,

Christine Lisa


